5 Great Herb Blogs for Beginners

1. Harmonic Arts Botanical Dispensary
This article wouldn’t be complete without Canadian representation in the field. I am Canadian after all. Harmonic Arts is located on my own home sweet home of Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. Founded and run by herbalist Yarrow Willard, son of well-known herbalist and teacher Terry Willard of Wild Rose College, Harmonic Arts not only offers high-quality bulk herbs and formulated products, but great educational articles, videos, presentations, and teachings. Yarrow, Angela, and Terry Willard were in fact presenters at our local Vancouver Island Herb Gathering in Comox BC this year. Harmonic Arts blog covers topics ranging from herb and product info to wild crafting and basic medicine making.
2. Herbs with Rosalee
Rosalee de la Foret offers patient treatment, mentoring and online training for herbalists, and education for the public at large. Learning from her own challenges with life threatening illness, her personal story is inspiration enough for anyone looking to improve their own situation. Rosalee’s educational background spans the genres of botany and Eastern and Western herbalism. I have attended some of her webinars, and her teaching style is practical and easy to follow. She recently released a book called Alchemy of Herbs which details the incorporation of herbs into daily life. Her blog content ranges from specific herb information to recipes and healthful living. Bonus: Rosalee has compiled her own extensive list of herb blogs on her website – there are references for all levels of enthusiasts, students and professionals.
3. Herbal Roots Zine
Want to introduce your children to the world of herbs? Look no further. Herbalist Kristine Brown focuses on creative and fun ways to educate your kids. The site has paid subscription for a regular newsletter, but also free articles, games and other resources.
4. KP Khalsa
If you are interested in all things Ayurveda, KP Khalsa offers this and more, from information about the Chinese medicine approach to taking supplements. A well-established practitioner in Oregon, KP Khalsa teaches Ayurveda, herbalism, and a host of health related topics both through local college programs and online through his own school. He also offers patient consultations and student mentoring. His personal blog is full of practical information easy to digest and apply in daily life.
5. Green Med Info
Although this site does not focus exclusively on herbs, and it does have many research articles which are quite advanced in content, it is an indispensable resource for anyone looking for scientific validation of various “alternative” treatment modalities. I have never come across another resource like it. All of the research that you have been told doesn’t exist for something will be found here. Sayer Ji founded and operates this site. It is his mission to curate and disseminate such vital information frequently not reported elsewhere to the mainstream. There are tiered paid memberships, but also a lot of free content.
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Media Contact:
Jennifer Leo
Managing Editor
Herbal Medicine: Open Access Journal
Email: herbalmed@echemistry.org
Whatsapp: +3225889658