Applications of Pharmaceutical Microbiology

On behalf of the Journal of Pharmaceutical microbiology, as Editor-in-Chief, it is my distinct honour and privilege to welcome you.
The journal is extremely privileged to have Prof Lynne A Ensor, Scott Sutton, M Jahangir Alam, S Narasimha Murthy, Rahmat M Talukder, Tim Sandle, Satyajit Sarker, Veronique Seidel, Hideharu Shintani, Anna Malm leading the board of academic editorial panel. The journal expresses appreciation for the professional execution of their responsibilities which include spearheading the overall editorial activity of the journal and gaining commercial acclaim in open access publishing.
While some fear microbes due to the association of some microbes with various human diseases, many microbes are also responsible for numerous beneficial processes such as industrial fermentation (e.g. the production of alcohol, vinegar and dairy products), antibiotic production and act as molecular vehicles to transfer DNA to complex organisms such as plants and animals. Scientists have also exploited their knowledge of microbes to produce biotechnologically important enzymes such as Taq polymerase, reporter genes for use in other genetic systems and novel molecular biology techniques such as the yeast two-hybrid system.
Bacteria can be used for the industrial production of amino acids. Corynebacterium glutamicum is one of the most important bacterial species with an annual production of more than two million tons of amino acids, mainly L-glutamate and L-lysine. Since some bacteria have the ability to synthesize antibiotics, they are used for medicinal purposes, such as Streptomyces to make aminoglycoside antibiotics.
A variety of biopolymers, such as polysaccharides, polyesters, and polyamides, are produced by microorganisms. Microorganisms are used for the biotechnological production of biopolymers with tailored properties suitable for high-value medical application such as tissue engineering and drug delivery. Microorganisms are for example used for the biosynthesis of xanthan, alginate, cellulose, cyanophycin, poly (gamma-glutamic acid), levan, hyaluronic acid, organic acids, oligosaccharides polysaccharide and polyhydroxyalkanoates.
Microorganisms are beneficial for microbial biodegradation or bioremediation of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastes and subsurface pollution in soils, sediments and marine environments. The ability of each microorganism to degrade toxic waste depends on the nature of each contaminant. Since sites typically have multiple pollutant types, the most effective approach to microbial biodegradation is to use a mixture of bacterial and fungal species and strains, each specific to the biodegradation of one or more types of contaminants.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology is a scholarly open access journal that deals with the study of Medical microbiology the study of the pathogenic microbes and the role of microbes in human illness, Pharmaceutical microbiology the study of microorganisms that are related to the production of antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins and vaccines, Industrial microbiology the exploitation of microbes for use in industrial processes
It’s our privilege to recite you as a foremost strategist in the realm of research and invite you to endowment your research penmanship and publication in forth coming issue (volume 6 issue 1 ) in the form of Research, Reviews, Commentaries, Letter to Editor, Case Reports, Short Communication, Images, Conference Proceedings which will be published in our journal.
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Rachel Reed
Editorial office
Journal of Pharmaceutical Microbiology
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