Autism Spectrum Disorder |Treatments & Alternative treatments:

On behalf of the Journal of Dual Diagnosis: Open Access , as Editor-in-Chief, it is my distinct honour and privilege to inform you that, it’s been four years we have started the Journal, and we are privileged to welcome Research Society to our journal. As Editor-In-Chief it is my great pleasure and honour to welcome you to the Journal of Dual Diagnosis: Open Access.
Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is an umbrella term that describes a range of common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting approximately 1% of the population. ASD are characterized by multilateral shortages, such as difficulties in communication and social interaction, repetitive, stereotypical behaviors and a limited scope of interests, mobility problems and disorders of language development, as well. These deficits do not follow the norm; on the contrary, great differentiation in their profiles and severity is observed between different people. ASD have, to a great degree, a hereditary, genetic basis however up to a decade ago, the researchers focusing on their neurobiological background were few.
• behavioral therapy
• play therapy
• occupational therapy
• physical therapy
• speech therapy
Alternative treatments:
• high-dose vitamins
• chelation therapy, which involves flushing metals from the body
• hyperbaric oxygen therapy
• melatonin to address sleep issues
Journal accepts original manuscripts in the form of Research Articles, Review Articles, Clinical Reviews, Commentaries, Case Reports, Perspectives and Short Communications .
You can Submit manuscript directly online or as an attachment to this E-mail:
Articles will be paid high attention during the Publication any immediate submission is highly appreciable.
Nancy Ella
Journal Editor
Dual Diagnosis: Open Access
WhatsApp: +1-947-333-4405