Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Education invites for article submission
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Education is an Open Access, peer–reviewed, academic journal which has a wide range of fields creating a platform for the authors to promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to pharmacy practice and education reiterates its commitment to promote systematic enquiry and explorations in various field: Self Medication, Chronic Patient need, Electronic health record.
The Editorial Board of Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Education is overwhelmed by the response and eagerness of the academic and research contributors to publish with the journal and take part in the year-long celebrations. During this year we look forward to taking some initiatives that would encourage and reward our prospective audience which include research scientists, decision-makers and a range of professionals in the allied community.
The journal invites different types of articles including original research article, review articles, short note communications, case reports, Editorials, letters to the Editors and expert opinions & commentaries from different regions for publication Manuscripts can be uploaded online.
It gives us great pleasure to announce the call for paper on the occasion of 3rd Anniversary of the Journal at special and hefty discount of up to 30% on one-time article processing charge. Prospective academicians and scientists are encouraged to utilize this opportunity to get their articles reviewed, processed and published at relatively faster pace and at lower charges.
Media contact;
Editorial Manager,
Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Education ,
WhatsApp: +19473334405