Most common immune system diseases

Being a Managing Editor to Journal of Clinical Immunology and Infection Diseases, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all the authors and professionals for your support to the Journal. Your involvement and contributions towards our journal may be a nice support for us.
Journal of Clinical Immunology and Infection Diseases is a new research Innovation in the various infectious diseases and spread the latest progressions in infectious disease prevention and recovery. Articles on new technology advancement in the field of IMMUNOLOGY, current practices in immune therapy, infection Disease Management, Stem cell Research on diseases. Epidemiology is the study of medicine which deals with the incision, distribution, and feasible control of diseases caused by microbes and other various factors related to health. Clinical Immunology deals with studies of diseases caused due to disorders of immune system.
Weakness, confusion or fainting. Combined with the usual suspects of fever, chills and body aches, any version of fatigue or weakness is a sign of serious infection. Suddenly getting worse. ... Like I said already, mucus produced by viral infections can sometimes be a great place for bacteria to grow.
With kind regards,
Andrea Jews
Editorial Manager.
Journal of Clinical Immunology & Infection Diseases
Tel. No. +3225889658