Nutrition Care Process


                            Nutrition Care Process

Journal of clinical nutrition and dietetics Dietitians The Nutrition Care Process is a systematic method to providing high-quality nutrition care. It was published as part of the Nutrition Care Model. Use of the NCP does not mean that all clients get the same care; the process provides a framework for the RDN to customize care, taking into account the client's needs and values and using the best evidence available to make decisions. Other disciplines in healthcare, including nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists have adopted care processes specific to their discipline.

Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to support its life. It includes ingestion, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion. The science that studies the physiological process of nutrition is called nutritional science.In 2003, the Academy's House of Delegates adopted the NCP in an effort to provide dietetics and nutrition professionals with a framework for critical thinking and decision-making. Use of the NCP can lead to more efficient and effective care, nutrition research, and greater recognition of the role of nutrition and dietetic professionals in all care settings. The Nutrition Care Process consists of distinct, interrelated steps:

  • Nutrition Assessment and Reassessment: The RDN collects and documents evidence such as food or nutrition-related history; biochemical data, medical tests and procedures; anthropometric measurements, nutrition-focused physical findings and client history.
  • Nutrition Diagnosis: Data collected during the nutrition assessment guides the RDN in selection of the appropriate nutrition diagnosis (es) (i.e., naming specific problems) terms.
  • Nutrition Intervention: The RDN then selects the nutrition intervention(s) that will be directed to the root cause (or etiology) of the nutrition problem(s) and/or aimed at alleviating the signs and symptoms of each diagnosis.
  • Nutrition Monitoring/Evaluation: The final step of the process is monitoring and evaluation, which the RDN uses to determine if the client has achieved, or is making progress toward, the planned goals.

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With Regards,

Alex Jhon

Editorial Assistant

journal of clinical nutrition and dietetics
