What can machine learning do for theoretical science?

On behalf of the Journal, as Editor-in-Chief, it is my distinct honor and privilege to welcome you to the Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science.
The Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science aims to spread knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality research papers on all topics related to Modern Scientific Techniques. The open access journal is published by Longdom Publishing who hosts open access peer-reviewed journals as well as organizes conferences that hosts the work of researchers in a manner that exemplifies the highest standards in research integrity.
Scientific theories are what make the world comprehensible, at least for most of us. But then we heard a rumor that there is a new game in town: machine learning. Along with its sibling, big data, they threatened to drive scientific theories out of town. Machine learning, and especially deep learning, have already become a magic box for building ever more accurate predictive models. Using it, one could make predictions based on patterns found in previous observations. Traditionally, making predictions was a complicated business, involving, amongst other things, developing underlying theories for understanding how things work. But now you could throw enough data at a large enough neural network and you will have predictions coming out from the other side. So why bother with theories at all?
The rumor dissipated soon enough, because it was based on the false premise that the goal of science is to churn out predictions. It is not. The goal of science is to provide understanding. Understanding comes from explanations, and explanations are provided by theories. The whole edifice of modern science stands on the shoulders of a web of interconnected theories.
Our Journal emphasizes high-level research and education. Original research articles, reviews, short communications, and letters to the editors in the fields of ecotoxicology are welcome. Every effort is made to have a speedy and critical peer-review process.
We always encourage your research works under the scope of our Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science. (Tap on the link to submit your research work)
With regards,
Joseph Marreddy
Managing Editor
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science
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